
I'm Soey. I am passionate about designing user experiences that seamlessly evolve into compelling stories, becoming products in their own right. Empathy, joy, and steadfast dedication guide my approach to problem-solving and life as a whole.

03 Overhauled Website Design 
Oct. 2022

1. Understand


Blue-White sought to improve its website to allow users to obtain product information and perform routine tasks.

Problem Definition

Blue-White’s previous website faced challenges in terms of infrastructure and usability. Regular customer satisfaction surveys and feedback from BW’s websites revealed that users were dissatisfied with features of the existing interface and navigation. Often, customers had difficulty locating industry-specific pages, and there was not always a single location for all the information they needed.

2. Opportunities

Over the course of three months, BW researched other websites, took cues from the best aspects of the current solution, and developed a new marketing strategy. We then gathered insights from stakeholders within BW to sketch out new designs, focusing on creating a website that would offer effective support company-wide. According to Taylor G., the Marketing Supervisor, he had an aspirational vision of what the company’s website could look like and how it could function to better meet BW’s communication needs while improving the user experience.

3. Progress

Discovery + Design Alignment

Key to the user experience, we redesigned the website in collaboration with feedback from several internal departments to better understand search behaviors and make the content engagement experience more visual. Now, users can easily navigate industry-specific pages via the mega menu to find critical information. Additionally, the landing page was reimagined as a hub for interacting with company news and updates.

Design Identity

The BW Marketing Team identified the need for a compelling visual identity that clearly communicates our brand. A key pillar of this strategy is a clean and cohesive design, consistently presented across the website, tradeshows, merchandise, literature, and other content to ensure visual consistency.

4. Results

Business impact

The project was a success on all fronts.

Increase in Marketing Quality Leads. In 2019, we averaged roughly 10 MQLs per week; now, in 2022, we average about 50–60 per week, an increase of approximately 500%.

Decrase in customer service calls and tickets. The success of the website has led to a decrease in support calls, especially those related to product literature. Additionally, customer satisfaction scores have improved due to enhanced usability, and efficiency has increased because users can now self-serve downloads and evaluations.

Boosted SEO rankings for more visibillity. From July 2020 to July 2021, BW saw a 45% increase in total inquiries/RFQs and a 3% increase in average session duration. The website's success can be attributed to several factors: various marketing efforts, improved SEO-optimized titles and tags, an increased Search Engine Marketing budget, and a stronger presence at tradeshows. We view this engagement as an encouraging measure of success and use the data to continuously improve the website and overall user experience.

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